Swag | Sassy Moms In The City

Become a Sponsor

Sassy Moms in the City events are supported by our sponsors, and we cannot thank you enough for your contributions. From the financial contributions of our Platinum, Gold and Silver Sponsors; to the invaluable contributions of our In-kind Sponsors; to the budgetary support of our event logistics: we simply would not be able to execute our events without you.

Sassy Moms in the City event sponsorship puts your company in front of:
  • Event promotion and marketing reaches a minimum of 10,000 + Mom Influencers via social media platforms
  • Over 50,000 impressions via SassyMomintheCity.com, Hereschicago.com, StyleChicago.com, Eventbrite.com, Blog posts, Facebook, Twitter, Press Releases and E-blasts!
  • 90% are Mom Influencers with children age 7 and younger
  • 1,500+ members in the Chicago-land area
  • Event Attendees—estimated 40-300 sassy, sophisticated influential moms from the Chicago area on a single night!

There are several different ways you can connect with sassy, sophisticated women in the city!

1. Host a ‘Sassy Moms Mingle Event’: Our next hosted event will take place on October 21st at The Dana Hotel & Spa in Chicago. 40 influential women will be invited for martinis and mini makeovers to get pampered and connect with an intimate group of sponsors throughout the evening. Want information on how you can be the next host? Email [email protected] to request a sponsor proposal.

2. Sponsor a Swag Bag: Want to place your product or promotional information directly into the hands of your target consumer and our event attendees? Your brand can reach savvy, sophisticated women via multiple social media platforms and our event swag bags. Email [email protected] for rates and benefits.

3. Host a Twitter Party with Moms Fashion File: Want to know what your customers are saying about your fashion brand? Have questions you would love answered regarding your product’s image? Have products you want to give to our attendees? Collectively Moms Fashion File has over 23,000 followers, 25,000 Unique Visitors and 50,000 Pages Views! Email [email protected].

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