Mom Blogs | Sassy Moms In The City

Sassy Mom Takes Manhattan-10 Things I Loved About BlogHer ’10

Just back from NYC and could not have been happier that I decided to attend BlogHer this year. I had no idea what to expect and was pleasantly surprised with my experience. With over 2,000 bloggers decending on the Hilton New York I am pretty sure we each had our own unique experiences. Thought I would share the ten things I loved about attending BlogHer ’10.

10 Things I LOVED About BlogHer ’10:

1. Meeting the ladies I follow and who follow me on Twitter. It’s always good (in most cases) to meet the people you converse with online at some point.

2.Connecting with other mommy bloggers and sharing our stories. Learning why and what other women blog about was fascinating to me.

3. Realizing the power that mommy bloggers have in the world on many different topics; polictics, social media marketing, community outreach and more. The topics and causes are endless!

4. Meeting Dre Edwards (@WalkTheRope) and Jorja from Alabama (@BeyondPaleGal) at the Mouthy Housewives Party. Learning their personal stories about coping with children with special needs touched my heart. Both women amazed me and I highly recommend reading their blogs.

Mouthy Housewives Party
5. Being invited to Martha Stewart’s Blogger’s Night Out event hosted at her offices. Need I say more? That night also rocked because I was lucky enough to meet my new online BFF Danielle (@luckylifeparty). Be sure to follow her on Twitter and read her blog.
Me and @TheNextMartha
Me with Danielle (@lucklifeparty)
6. Meeting Tamra Barney! Sorry, but I am a Real Housewives addict and this was one the best moments of the entire weekend. She was so nice and down to earth. It turns out I actually like her much better in person.
Love Tamra! Should have put on my heels.
Don’t you love my KLD dress??
7. Connecting with major companies and learning about new products that I can share with my sassy readers. Don’t count on tons of reviews or giveaways. My reviews only stem from products I love and use personally. If I find something I really like, I will write a quick review and post updates on our Facebook page or give a big Tweet shout out. Be sure you Like Sassy Moms in the City on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.

8. Best Swag was Miracle Body jeans (feels like I lost 10 lbs) and an amazing gold necklace by Lia Sophia. Both made possible by the Getting Gorgeous girls Vera and Audrey!! Extra bonus was meeting stylist Robert Verdi. Love him!
Me with Robert Verdi
9. Attending a social media session with panelists Kimberley Clayton Blaine, Susan Getgood and Beth Blecherman.
10. Returning home to my sweet, sassy girls and my awesome husband who was on his own 4 days straight and managed to attend two birthday parties.

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