My mother has been a teacher in the public school system for almost forty years and I am a product of public schools. Watching the Oprah show this past Monday about the movie Waiting for Superman was no surprise to me.
While I feel I received an acceptable education, went on to college and graduate school, I can tell you this. If it were not for my parents demanding and ingraining into me the expectation that I MUST go to college , it may not have happened.
If you watched Oprah on Monday you may remember seeing the young girl (she is also in Waiting for Superman) who chose to attend the no frills charter school over her neighborhood’s fancy public high school. Her exact words were “I am a smart girl but I don’t test well.” This was ME. I scored poorly on my ACT and was able to “C” my way through elementary and high school.
Luckily I figured things out in college and grad school but school in general was always a struggle. Now that I have two very young children, I am extremely worried about their education and the future they face. Our decision to raise the girls in the City rather than the suburbs brings on similar issues seen in Waiting for Superman.
If you are a parent with school aged children, you can’t afford NOT to see this film or get involved in our country’s education reform. Take the pledge to see Waiting for Superman and get INVOLVED! Our kids and Teachers depend on it.
What are your thoughts about education reform and this film? Share your child’s school experience by commenting below.