Donations | Sassy Moms In The City

The 100,000 Diapers Campaign

Imagine not being able to provide your baby with clean diapers. Having no choice but to use the same diaper all day, spilling any solid contents into the toilet and putting it back on your baby. There are thousands of parents faced with this dilemma everyday in Chicago because diapers are an expensive luxury that they cannot afford.

Luckily, a couple from Chicago has decided to tackle this problem head on by founding Bundle of Joy and Sassy Moms in the City is proud to partner with this wonderful organization. Following a model that has been successful in other cities across the nation, Bundle of Joy is a diaper bank that collects disposable diapers from various businesses, civic organizations, schools, church groups, and mom’s groups and is distributing them to families in need through local food pantries and childcare centers.

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