BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Sassy Moms In The City//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Sassy Moms In The City X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Sassy Moms In The City X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Chicago BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20111118 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20111119 DTSTAMP:20111109T065119 CREATED:20111105T051504 LAST-MODIFIED:20111105T054027 UID:2185@ SUMMARY:NPN Pre- Holiday Pop-up Mixer at Flirty Girl Fitness DESCRIPTION:Join us on Nov. 18th for the NPN Pre-Holiday Pop-Up Mixer sponsored by our NPN Moms in Business Group\, an amazing and FREE event for Chicago parents and friends! Let NPN Moms in Business (MIB) show you a great time while you cross holiday shopping off your to-do list. Ten amazing businesses will feature an awesome assortment of unique & fun gifts! Great food by The Drawing Room\, cocktail tasting with Koval Distillery\, mini-manicures\, cash bar\, demo classes by Flirty Girl Fitness\, mini putt-putt from General Cigar Company\, and unreal raffle packages. Get out your favorite party outfit and smile away as Eva Ho Photography & Julia Franzosa Photography capture photos from our fun night!  Plus\, treat yourself to a new head shot with Bum Bul Bee Photography.  And if that's not enough to get you in the door\, the raffle is unbelievable! WHAT: NPN Pre-Holiday Pop-Up Mixer - An amazing night of pop-up shopping\, mixing and mingling while supporting a great cause - Bundle of Joy Diaper Bank! WHERE: Flirty Girl Fitness - 1325 West Randolph WHEN: Friday Nov. 18th\, 7-10pm WHO: Chicago moms\, dads\, friends - adults only\, open to non-members COST: FREE for general entry; $25 for VIP Access What does VIP Access mean? 50 Special VIP Tickets will help raise funds for Bundle of Joy Diaper Bank! VIP's go home with an AMAZING goody bag packed with Chicago MIB goodies - $25 per ticket. Help us protect Chicago's littlest ones! Here is just a glimpse of a few of our VIP goodies: -- $25 gift certificate to The Drawing Room -- $10 gift certificate for Building Blocks Toy Store -- $15 of Eco-friendly beauty products courtesy of Head 2 Toe Mobile Spa -- Flirty Girl Fitness class certificate & boa! Get your holiday shopping done early - the MIB way.  Shopping\, entertainment\, and great eats provided by: -- The Drawing Room -- vfish -- Juice Plus+ -- Building Blocks Toy Store  -- Cat n Mouse Games -- Indulge Boutique -- General Cigar Company - Test your skills on their putting green\, and putt your way to a premium prize! -- Created Pure -- Hadley & Bex -- Stella & Dot Jewelry -- Centered Chef -- Koval Distillery -- ZICO Coconut Water -- popchips Please RSVP for general access or VIP access.  Thank you for your support! LOCATION:1325 West Randolph URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR