BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Sassy Moms In The City//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:Sassy Moms In The City X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for Sassy Moms In The City X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/Chicago BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;VALUE=DATE:20121018 DTEND;VALUE=DATE:20121019 DTSTAMP:20121018T053452 CREATED:20121008T210135 LAST-MODIFIED:20121010T104021 UID:3559@ SUMMARY:Fashion Show & Shopping Event at Kickin' Maternity Boutique DESCRIPTION:Join NPN\, Kickin' Chicago and Sassy Moms in the City for Chicago's ONLY Maternity & Fashion show celebrating expecting and new moms (with style!) Update your wardrobe with contemporary fashions from Kickin' you can wear at any stage of motherhood.  Receive 15% off of Kickin’ and A Pied purchases that evening. Knowledgeable  stylists will be on hand to help you build a killer fall & winter wardrobe that suits your personality!   This one-of-a-kind event includes an amazing FREE raffle\, swag bags\, and tasty bites and beverages. Schedule of events: 6:30pm--  Mocktails\, Snacks & Desserts\, Mingling at Piazza Bella (2116 W. Roscoe) 7:00pm--  Fashion show at Kickin' featuring more than a dozen great looks for fall & winter Following the fashion show\, guests can take advantage of personal shoppers and a great 15% discount to put together their own maternity or new mom wardrobe! Register by purchasing your ticket HERE or call Kickin' at either 773-281- 6577 or 773-525-2120. SPECIAL DISCOUNTED TICKETS FOR NPN MEMBERS- includes food\, beverage\, access to personal shoppers/stylists\, swag bag\, free raffle ticket and more! NPN Members: Adults $12.00 Non-members: Adults $15.00 Newborns & lap babies welcome- so feel free to bring your little fashion star! Tickets are non-refundable- contact with questions.   LOCATION:2142 W. Roscoe URL: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR