Oprah’s Lifeclass and My A-Ha Moment

Two weeks ago I was invited to preview Oprah’s Lifeclass with a group of Chicago mom bloggers at Harpo Studios. The following week I was invited to return for a live webcast session with Oprah, in person!!

I was beyond excited and tried to contain myself for the next 6 days. Having been to several tapings of The Oprah Show, I didn’t give too much thought about seeing her in person. I was familiar with the drill and access to Oprah is never part of the experience.

Arriving at the studio that evening was surreal. To be honest, I was devastated when I was unable to obtain tickets to the last taping of The Oprah Show or any taping for that matter during the final season.

But here I was, 6 months later invited to Oprah’s office. Twice in 2 weeks!!

Upon arrival we were greeted by Sadie (Oprah’s #1 dog) and directed to a lounge area just outside Oprah’s office and instructed to speak quietly as people were meditating in a room just steps away. None of the four bloggers gave this much thought until the door opened and a group of staffers spilled out into the lounge followed by none other than Oprah!

I  almost died.

She was so kind and came over to shake our hands and thanked us for coming.  Can my life get any better than this?

My only regret  – I did not ask for a picture. I couldn’t, it just felt so intrusive. Looking back, I will probably regret not asking for a quick photo for the rest of my life! However, it will never overshadow the fact that meeting Oprah was a dream come true. A dream that has been on my vision board for years!

There’s always Photoshop. Clearly I need help in this department.

But on to my a-ha moment…

During the live webcast as I was taking notes, tweeting and posting comments on Facebook, Oprah made a comment that resonated strongly with me. She said the only way to be authentic and live a true life is by eliminating the people that are toxic. That you may need to clear out these relationships.

After the webcast and the cameras stopped rolling, Martha Beck (Life coach and O, The Oprah Magazine columnist) and Oprah continued to chat with us. I knew this would be the last chance I may ever have to ask someone that I regarded so highly, the question that was burning deep in my soul. I confidently raised my hand hoping Oprah would notice. And she did.

Me: You mentioned that we need to eliminate the people from our lives that are toxic. How do you eliminate a member of your family who wants a personal relationship with your children?

Martha Beck: Why are you afraid to eliminate this person from your life? What do you think will happen?

Me: I’m afraid other family members will turn away from me and my kids will miss out on those relationships.

Martha: You are assuming this will be the outcome. You’ll never know if you don’t test the waters. What advice would you give your daughters if they came to you with the same question? Would you want your daughters in a relationship with someone that was toxic?

Me: Well of course not.

I departed Harpo Studios invigorated and energized more than ever!

As I was driving home I contemplated about how I would go about the elimination process.

Would I call this person and say: Hey I’m over you, hasta la vista baby. Peace Out!

Should I write them a letter – Dear Toxic – you’ve made my life miserable and enough is enough.

Would I post it in on Facebook status– Alison is clearing house and will no longer be engaging with @ToxicPerson. PS I am unfriending you too!

Then it hit me…My A-HA moment!

It’s not about elimination, it is about setting boundaries. While I may not want this person in my life, I need to practice and get better at setting boundaries.

My focus needs to be on cultivating and nurturing the healthy relationships I have with other family members and my friends. Rather than focusing on what I don’t want in my life, I need to focus on what and who I do want in my life.

For me, living an authentic life is about surrounding myself with people who allow my light to shine and stepping away from the people who don’t support me. I don’t need to reciprocate spiteful behavior, what a waste of time and energy!

If you haven’t participated in Oprah’s Lifeclass, the world’s biggest classroom, I highly recommend jumping in now! The show airs Monday – Friday 7:00 pm CST, following Rosie on OWN.

You can catch a glimpse of me during the live webcast fr0m Thursday, October 13th in the first 5 minutes below or HERE. I’m to the left of Sheri Salata, Executive Producer-Oprah President-Harpo Studios, in the green shirt!

Watch live streaming video from oprahslifeclass at livestream.com

If you missed the live webcasts from last week, you can watch on Facebook, Livestream or Oprah.com.

Have you been watching or experienced your own A-ha moment recently?

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