Kitchen Organization with Carolina Pad

Preparing for Back to School has inspired me to get organized and clear out the clutter in every room in our house. Between work, kid’s activities and husband’s travel schedule, my kitchen was the culprit of major disorganization over the summer. Having a husband with a minor case of OCD does not help and things are getting a little stressful on the home front. You would think he would stay out of my our kitchen considering I am the only one who cooks, however he does all the shopping so I am more than willing to abide by his rules of tidiness.

My goal this summer was to get organized in the kitchen and the first project on my list is the self made cookbook that looked like a bomb exploded in a boring binder that rarely saw the light of day. One look at this hot mess is most likely the reason I’ve had zero motivation to cook all summer.

Luckily, Carolina Pad, a leading supplier of school, office, organizational, and arts and activity products and one  of our amazing Fill the Backpack partners sent us a box of chic office supplies, one happening to be a 2 inch binder from their Stand Up! collection by Liz Diller. I jumped for joy and thought it must be a sign that I get my current disheveled and embarrassing cookbook in order. I cherish my ten year collection and take great pleasure in tearing out recipes from Cooking Light, Real Simple,  Everyday with Rachael Ray and the Food Network magazines. These are my top go-to resources for easy, quick and healthy meals.

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I sort recipes by category using my favorite binder tabs by Wilson Jones and insert the pages into sheet protectors by Avery.

Carolina Pad™ products can be found at major retail outlets, office supply, grocery and drug stores. The Carolina Pad portfolio of brands include Studio C™, Note2Self®, Ghostline®, Fundanoodle™, Notebound®, Sasquatch®, and u:create®. Learn more about Carolina Pad at

Hopefully this inspires you to get organized!

This post is sponsored by Fill the Backpack.

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