28 Days of Red for the American Heart Association

Heart disease is still the No. 1 killer of women, taking the life of 1 in 3 women each year. This means women just like you – mothers, sisters, friends – are dying at the rate of one per minute because they don’t know what you know: heart disease kills. Heart disease has already touched you or someone you love, so help us save a woman’s life today. Make It Your Mission to stop the No. 1 killer.

Sassy moms will Go Red the entire month of February for the American Heart Association. What does this mean? For the next four weeks we will be focusing on various topics ranging from fashion, beauty and health all in the name of RED!

Research shows that women who Go Red are more likely to make healthy choices.

  • More than one-third have lost weight.
  • Nearly fifty percent have increased their exercise.
  • Six out of ten have changed their diets.
  • More than forty percent have checked their cholesterol levels.
  • One-third have talked with their doctors about developing heart health plans.

This month, Go Red For Women and Sassy Moms in the City invites women to Make It Their Mission to fight heart disease.

  • ATTEND SASSY MOMS NIGHT OUT (February 24, 2011) – Join Sassy Moms Go Red for the American Heart Association for a fashionable evening filled with mini spa services, shopping and fashion demo/book signing by style expert and author Amy Tara Koch spotlighting how to transform wardrobe basics into of-the-moment looks.
  • PARTICIPATE IN NATIONAL WEAR RED DAY (February 4, 2011): Show your support by wearing red on National Wear Red Day to build awareness and inspire action.
  • TELL 5: Go Red For Women asks you to bring your network into our network. Tell 5 women you want them to live, and we can help stop heart disease in our lifetime. Give 5 women you care about the power to save their lives at GoRedForWomen.org.
  • SHOP GO RED: Go to ShopGoRed.org to support education and awareness programs by purchasing Go Red For Women apparel, accessories and other heart-healthy products.

When Renee awoke one morning nauseous and sweaty, she assumed she had the flu. It wasn’t until her symptoms escalated and a friend intervened that she called 911. As a new mom, Renee had been putting the needs of her family before her own, and her heart attack was a wake up call. Check out this video to hear more of Renee’s story.

Go Red For Women is sponsored nationally by Macy’s and Merck & Co., Inc.

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