Menu Plan Monday Link Up | Sassy Moms In The City

Menu Plan Monday Link Up

I’m not going to lie, creating out my weekly menu plan is much easier than actually making it come to fruition each night. As we enter week three this is going to be a challenge.

Primarily because I have three evening events which means if I don’t cook, husband will be ordering take out. Needless to say, my new favorite kitchen appliance the Crock-Pot, is going to be my sassy sous chef this week.

I spent Saturday night preparing my menu plan (so exciting, I know) so husband could shop first thing Sunday morning. Oh, did I mention I don’t grocery shop? Yes, I am lucky.

Week 3 – October 18th - Link up your recipes and share with your friends!

SundayPortillo’s Italian Beef + Chinese Cole Slaw (family recipe)
(we had Portillo’s leftover from my daughter’s birthday party a few weeks ago. Time to make room in the freezer).

MondayPumpkin and Leek Soup+ Roasted Chicken with tomatoes and olives + Green salad

TuesdaySlow cooker Red Beans and Rice

Wednesday – Leftovers

ThursdayBlack Bean Sweet Potato Quesadillas + Steamed Broccoli

Friday – Slow Cooker Chicken Pot Pie with Southern Biscuits

Link up your weekly menu or recipes below!

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