Martha Stewart returns to The Oprah Show on Tuesday, October 5th; two of my favorite people together which makes me very HAPPY! After attending Martha Stewart’s Blogger’s Night Out event this past August, I am even more excited. The preview look awesome and Oprah asks her usual tough questions that we always want to know.
Don’t miss America’s Homecoming Queen! Are you throwing a party? Find out what Martha would do. Then, go inside her breathtaking Maine estate, get her all-time best advice and grab your glue gun for “Martha-fied” crafts.
It’s an exciting week on The Oprah Show: The Farewell Season. I’ll be watching, will you?
Mon 10/4: Ultimate Amazing Animals – The Ape Who Has Conversations with Humans
Tue 10/5: America’s Homemaking Queen – Martha Stewart
Wed 10/6: An Oprah Show Exclusive – One Mom, 20 Personalities
Thu 10/7: Why She Sued Her Husband for 12 Million Dollars and Won
Fri 10/8: The 30-Year-Old Virgin
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- Oprahs October 4th show Martha Stewart