Blog Her ’10 is Stressing Me Out

Thank God for Twitter or I would be freaking out about attending BlogHer ’10 on my own next week. Wait. Maybe Twitter is the reason I am stressed out and obsessed with what to wear, who to meet, invitations to accept and sessions I want to attend. Makes me want a cocktail before I even start packing.

While I am very excited about the conference, I am intrigued about all the hoopla and #blogher10 chatter overloading Twitter. As an attendee at many work conferences, I am surprised at the intensity BlogHer creates among its’ participants. Where I come from ya don’t label a first timer a “newbie”. Seriously, is there a special armband we wear so everyone can pick us out in the crowd?

I get the impression this two day event is very competitive. And to think, I just stumbled across the website late one night in February during an online shopping spree and blog session. It is probably a good thing I was unaware of all this stress or I would have taken my $198 and bought myself something pretty.

All jokes aside, this better be worth flying across the country. According to all the veteran BlogHer attendees that I follow, it should be fun and they “promise” I will learn something. What that something might be is yet to be determined. Can I have my money back if that doesn’t happen??

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