Sassy Mom’s Must Have Stylish Maternity Gown

I don’t know about you, but when I was preggors the first time around, I didn’t give much thought to what type of hospital gown I would be wearing during child birth. That was the furthest thing from my mind. Needless to say the day we rushed to the hospital I was shocked when the nurses handed me a tattered old gown with holes. At first I thought this was just temporary until after the baby comes, then I will be given something much nicer. Um, not exactly. What I got was the opportunity to wear the same disgusting gown the entire time I was in the hospital (4 days).

Let’s just say I refused to have very few photos taken with my beautiful baby. I can find a total of 3 pictures with my first daughter while in the hospital.

The minute I got pregnant with #2, I knew I was going out in style this time around. I still had no idea stylish maternity gowns existed until I saw Tory Spelling’s reality show when she gave birth to her daughter Stella. Of course she is a celebrity but who cares. I should be able to look cute too!

After searching online I came across this fab company called Expecting Comfort owned by fellow Sassy Mom Amy. Amy’s company offers a variety of Mom Must Have products that are functional, affordable and of course comfortable. Her products include maternity belly bands, support bands, delivery gowns, Shade maternity shirts, nursing covers, baby slings and more.

Yes I realize that child birth is messy and in my case a c-section is major surgery, but if Tory Spelling and recently Bethenny Frankel (who wore the same gown giving birth to Byrn) can look cute why shouldn’t you??

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Facebook comments:


  1. Maternity wear says:

    I feel completely the same…thankfully there are now many gorgeous maternity gowns out there so we can still look fab after child birth :)

    • alison says:

      Thanks for commenting! All my friends thought I was crazy for purchasing but I felt so much better wearing this and being photographed in the hospital.

  2. Kate at Big City Belly says:

    So glad I found this post! I’m ordering one for baby #2.

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